Friday, April 27, 2012

X is for Xibit...kind of

Jessica Bell and I have teamed up for the A-Z blogging challenge this year to talk about our musical muses - a band/artist or song that has inspired, or affected us in some way. 

I'm not going to lie. "X" was tough, my friends. Damned tough.

So this is totally a cheat. I picked XIBIT not because the singer (?) has had ANY impact on me, but because of one song. One track he collaborated on with Eminem. This one:

My affection for Eminem is no it's only by association Xibit gets the nod on this post. I can live with that.

PLEASE, tell me there's an "X" band or song I've missed!

Now, go check out some of the other blogs taking part in the A-Z Blogging challenge, including my Dawn Dalton blog where I'm talking about awesome YA books, and the Most-Wanted Monsters blog where Judith and I are writing poems and talking smack about some creeptastic beasties.

- Dawn


  1. I can't think of any bands that start with X. I wonder what Jess came up with.

  2. Gosh, can't really think of any bands starting with X either. Is there something I'm missing?

  3. The Xx! They remind me of old-school gloomy rock, back when it was just Robert Smith and tons of eyeliner. Before they were even calling it "goth".

    I'm especially fond of "Crystalised" and "Heart Skipped a Beat" off their album.

  4. LOL, I think you can be excused. I mean, E is the new X, isn't it? ;o)

  5. Hello, Dawn! X is a tough letter, especially if you're limited to music artists. It's funny because I blogged about Xtina Aguilera today!

    Have a lovely weekend and happy A to Z!!

  6. I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to work my way over here. I guess XYZ probably was a bit too obscure to make your 80's hair metal band list. But I liked them.

    Great stuff this month, really. I went back and read most of your posts. Loved them.

  7. Visiting via A to Z Challenge...very interesting theme...glad to have stopped by!
