Monday, January 30, 2012

Ready, set, action!

Hubby and I were watching Tomb Raider (again) the other night when it occurred to me that the charming and kinda cute Alex West is Daniel Craig. Yes, THE Daniel Craig.

Am I the last person on the planet to realize this?

Even though I love him as Bond (and I grew up on them, so I can spot a good one...Pierce Brosnan? Not so much), I rarely give Daniel the action kudos he deserves.

I'm hoping casting him as muse avatar will make up for that.

Hey, my muses get a lot of action!


Steven Tyler certainly did last week, though I'll admit the awesome word output likely had more to do with Judith's Graves' whip. Judith and I got together for a short - but mighty productive - writing marathon to work on one of the, uh, few *cough* projects we have on the go together.

Spending time with Judith always inspires me to keep writing. Or maybe it's fear of her whip.

Either way, stuff got done.

Stuff needs to continue getting done.

Last week, Judith sent me a great article on the journey to success of Man on a Ledge screenwriter Pablo Fenjves. It wasn't a quick jaunt. Fenjeves has a great attitude about the industry and his personal slow rise to fame (other than a brief stint he had as a witness in the O.J. Simpson trial.) My favourite quote is this:

“There’s an old saying that says in Hollywood things come to those who wait. It’s wrong. It’s good things come to those who write.”

So that's what I plan to do this week. Write. A lot of action. Which is something I know 007 can help me with...Daniel. Not Pierce. Just to be clear.

- Dawn

The Book In My Bag Today: Tunnel Vision, Gary Braver


  1. I enjoyed reading your post. I found your name on the A to Z challenge and called in to say "Hi".
    Good luck with the challenge.

    1. Thanks Yvonne. As usual, I may be in over my head, but I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun doing it. :-) And thanks for stopping by the blog!

  2. Good luck with writing all that action. Love action! Your enthusiasm is totally inspiring me. :)

    1. Whew! Inspiring you is better than exhausting you :-) Thanks for the luck - passing some back your way.

  3. Daniel is hunky, but what do you have against Pierce? That accent, that hair, I thought he was sufficiently suave for Bond.
    Do I have bad taste in men? Wait, don't answer that.
    My favourite Bond has always been Sean Connery. Ahhh, that voice, that hair, those eyebrows.....

    1. Venom darling, you don't have ALL bad taste in men, because I concur, when it comes to the BEST Bond it's definitely Sean Connery. He remains a hottie, way past his prime. But PIerce? He's got the kind of cockiness I can't handle, that whole "Sexy and I know It" persona that is overbearing. The other Bonds know they're sexy but they don't need to "smolder" in every scene. I maintain my stance on Pierce. Still friends?

  4. Wow~ nice post! Now I am inspired as well!! ;-)

    1. Happy to oblige, Garden. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  5. I love what you said about good things coming to those who write. I'll keep that in mind while I'm angsting away over a WIP.


    I popped in to say hi and to join in the A to Z fun!

  6. Have you seen Daniel Craig in Defiance? I was a big fan after that movie :)

    Thanks for signing up to do the Valentine's day bloghop! I look forward to reading your scene :)
