Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Book 42 - Broken

After three weeks of vacation, I should be way past the halfway mark of my 100 Books in 2010 challenge, right?

Not even close.

I've not hidden my affection for Kelley Armstrong. Ever since Bitten, I've been obsessed with Armstrong's skill, her characters, her plotting. I figured Broken, the sixth book in the Women of the Underworld series, would be a sure bet.

Sadly, it took me three weeks to read it - and I was on holidays! You know, the time when you ought to be able to kick back with a good book and a cold drink. In theory, I should have been able to plow through at least ten novels.

To be fair, it wasn't the author's fault. While Broken lacked the rapid pacing I've come to expect from Armstrong, the premise was brilliant, and the characters familiar - and endearing. I couldn't wait to revisit Elena, the werewolf and her sexy mate, Clay. To sweeten the deal, the plot involved time portals - and Jack the Ripper.

Like so many people, I've always been fascinated with the Ripper files - so to experience this history with a supernatural bent? Heaven.


Elena is pregnant and of course the pack is encouraging her to be cautious - which meant she wasn't as feisty as she was in Bitten. And Clay, while still brooding and smoldering, failed to excite me. The steamy scenes were lukewarm. And parts of the book dragged thanks to a weak supporting cast. (It almost hurts to type that.)

All that said, I'll read the next Armstrong book because despite my nit pickiness with Broken, Armstrong's mastery of the craft is well above many of the novels on the shelves today.

Thanks to Jamie and Sue, I have two Nora Roberts books burning a hole in my TBR pile - but I suspect it won't be either of them I pick up next. (Eep!) The third book in Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series has glued to my hip for almost two weeks, spine begging to be cracked. A girl's only got so much willpower, you know?


  1. we've got a couple of her books around here...the title escapes me right now, but it wasn't Bitten. Sigh...always something else to add to the list!

    Seems like awhile since I made it over here. Sorry about that. How's the dancing comin?

  2. You should be commended for the number of books you've read and reviewed this year. It's tough to find time to write let alone read. so way to go!

  3. I take my hat off to you for pushing through a 3 week mark on a book,hon. Not sure I would have the want to continue after that length of time.
    So kudos to you :-)

  4. Dawn, 100 books in one year? I don't know if I could do it. My little goal is about 20 and that's probably all I'll be able to get through. But September's Read & Review month for me, so I'll be inching my way there.

  5. Vicki - you MUST read Bitten. It was awe-inspiring for me. Dance...on hiatus until the fall season begins. I'm itching to get back. Something about being out of my comfort zone and all that :-P

    Jan - thank you. I believe one can not be a good writer if they do not read. But it's a fine balance to be sure - when I'm reading so much, I'm slacking on the writing.

    Jamie - to be fair, the book was still great (Armstrong is a super writer). My mind was just not "there" and so I was more unforgiving than usual on some of the slower parts. Now that life has turned hectic again, I bet I'll be reading like the wind again...

    Crimey - I admit, it's ambitious, but I always say: Good big or go home. Looking forward to reading your reviews. Your writing is always a pleasure to read. Hugs.

  6. I'm a little tired of werewolves so I'll probably pass on this one. I prefer chick lit type books :)

  7. I agree with Crimey. 100 books in a year is a lot. Good for you for setting such a high goal. Enjoy all the books! :)

  8. Yes I don't think I could finish 100 in a year, unless we're counting non fiction as well as fiction? Anyway I always find it hard to read on holidays! Wish you the best of luck Dawn!!

    Hope you had a great weekend

  9. WW - I thought I was tired of werewolves too but then I read the first two chapters of Shiver and I think I have one more werewold book to go!

    Thanks Suzanne! I was going to send you an email and ask if I could include a "review" of yours but haven't heard back regarding my feedback... Hugs.

    Val - thank you for reminding me that reading on holidays is acually harder than people think. Loved your last post - as always. Happy weekend!

  10. I haven't read Kelly Armstrong yet but it sounds like Bitten is one for my tbo pile! Thanks for the honest review!
